There is a prayer chain operating within the Church community through which several people offer prayer for those who need them, both at home and overseas. Please contact our minister Rev Doreen Koffie-Williams if you would like to have prayer offered for anyone or anything. If you would like to pray now, the Methodist Church website offers a topical daily prayer with associated bible readings.
Family Occasions
BaptismsWe are pleased to be involved in those special times of life like the birth of a baby, a marriage, even the passing of loved ones.The minister is very happy to talk to new parents about baptising their baby. This usually takes place as part of morning service (10.30am) and then the family can stay and enjoy a cup of coffee after the service.
WeddingsThe church makes a light, attractive and comfortable setting for a wedding. Check us out as a convenient local venue with easy access to venues for the reception.
Funerals and Memorial ServicesGive your loved ones a Christian funeral in a relaxed and peaceful setting. You can sing their favourite hymns and songs before going on to the crematorium or cemetery.
Our Sunday weekly services start at 10.30 am and last for about an hour. Sometimes they are led by our Minister, Rev Doreen Koffie-Williams, and on other occasions we have visiting preachers from Coventry and Nuneaton, and sometimes from further afield.You would be made very welcome at any Sunday service.If you would like to see the worship plan for the next few weeks, please touch orclick on this button:
As a Christian community we are committed to sharing God's love in the Woodside area and beyond. Worshipping together each Sunday lies at the heart of all that we do. We see it as a privilege to offer praise and thanks to God through Jesus Christ.We see it as our responsibility to love and care for each other, especially as we go through difficult times. We see this care as going beyond the church family and into wider areas.We offer ourselves in service to others in many ways, locally and further afield and not least byoffering our premises as a community resource, for the many and varied activities that take place here.
“All are welcome in this place”
“All are welcome in this place”
Worship Plan
WeworshipeverySundaythroughouttheyear.Inaddition,therearespecialservicesatChristmas, Easter and on other occasions. Sometimesourworshipisledbyourownoranotherordainedminister-sometimesitisledbyaLocal Preacher or Worship Leader from the Coventry area.The worship plan for Woodside until the end of November is as follows:15 September10.30amRev Doreen Koffie-WilliamsHoly Communion22 September10.30amRev Clive Fowle29 September10.30amLocal Arrangement 6October10.30amRev Richard Wilde13October10.30amCharlene Mukorombindo20October10.30amRev Doreen Koffie-WilliamsHarvest Festival27 October10.30amRev Kathryn Darby 3November10.30amRev Stuart Jennings10November10.30amJo Hibbard17 November10.30amRev Doreen Koffie-WilliamsHoly Communion24November10.30amAlison Gee
Community Groups
A number of Community Groups use our premises. TwoofthemainGroupswhousethepremisesareThePre-SchoolPlaygroupandtheElite Dance Academy:
Pre-SchoolPlaygroupThisgivesthechildrentheopportunitytointeractwithotherchildren ofasimilarageaswellasgivingparentsandcarersthechancetosocialisewithothersinthe sameposition. Weprovidechildrenwiththeopportunitytoenjoymessyplay,singingand othernewexperiences.Wehavefullytrainedandexperiencedstaffwhohavecaredfor childrenwithDown’sSyndrome,childrenwithmoderatetoseverelearningdifficulties, CerebralPalsy,AutismandAspergersSyndrome,andhaveundertakentraininginallofthese areas.StaffaretrainedinMakaton,BritishSignLanguageandtheuseofEpipens.Wecater forchildrenfrom2years6monthsto4years11months.PlaygroupmeetsonMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.00am – 3.00pm and on Thursday 9.00am – 1.00pm.
TheEliteDanceAcademyprovidesclassesintap,ballet,Irish,Street,MusicalTheatre, Acrobatics,Boysonly,adultlessons,Zumbaandmore! WemeetonSaturdaysfrom9.30am– 4.30pm. Finde them on Facebook here.
How to find us
WearelocatedinWoodsideAvenueSouth,justofftheA45KenpasHighway.IfyouaretravellingalongtheA45fromthe FinhamroundaboutinthedirectionofBirmingham,it’seasy.Takethelastleft-handturningatWoodsideAvenuebefore the Kenilworth Road. Look for the signpost. ComingtheotherwayfromtheBirminghamdirectionisabittrickier.YouneedtoturnleftontheKenilworthRoad towardsCoventry,firstrightdownCoatofArmsBridgeRoadandtakethesecondexitfromtheminiroundaboutto Wainbody Avenue, go to the lights and turn right onto the Highway. We are then first on the left, as above.
This popular mid-week group meets every other Tuesday afternoon at 2.00pm at Woodside Church. We finish with refreshing cup of tea and biscuit (and lots of chat!)LastTuesday,weallenjoyedthecompanyoflittleRuby,themostdelightfultherapydogbelongingtoPaula McClenaghan,ourParishNurse.WeweregivenademonstrationofRuby'sobedienceandfriendlyways,and Paulatoldusallabouttheimportantworkoftherapydogs.ManythankstoPaulaandRubyforalovely afternoon.We now have the final total of money raised for Breast Cancer Research through our Afternoon Tea in August -wehaveraisedtheamazingamountof£170!Thankstoeveryonewhogavesogenerously.Andthanks, again, to Sue and Brian Davies for their hospitality.WemeetagainonTuesday,24thSeptember,at2pm(atthechurch),whenwewelcomeRevIanCoatesto giveusanotherofhisinterestingtalks.Followed,ofcourse,byarefreshingcupoftea(andbiscuits).Everyone welcome.
Circuit News and Activities
News for SeptemberPlease send any news or events happening in your church to the Circuit Office Welcome Service for Rev Christine Crabtree: It was wonderful to see (and hear the singing of) 170 people at Central Hall, with our District Chair, Rev Novette Headley preaching and nearly all the churches represented in person. It was also good to know how many churches used the same service, and sermon, in their own spaces. In particular we welcomed Rev Christine Crabtree as our new circuit minister, John Prickett as our new voluntary Local Lay Pastor (at Collycroft and Ryton Methodist Churches), Rev Ian Coates and Deacon Sue Fry as the new leaders of Coffee Shop Sunday, and George Oworae Danquah as our new Property Support and Development Officer (10 hours) and as the Community Development Worker at Nuneaton Methodist Church (20 hours). Please continue to pray for these, and the continuing, staff during the coming Methodist year. We also gave thanks, with CSS members, for Trevor and Annie Gay as they finish their work with Coffee Shop Sunday.Message of thank you from Rev Jane Braund: To the Circuit, I just wanted to write to say thank you for the lovely plant and generous gift you gave to me. I have really enjoyed being part of this circuit over the last 8 years – a great introduction to being a Methodist Minister! Thank you and God bless. JaneNews from around the CircuitCoffee Shop Sunday Update: CSS members give thanks for all that Trevor and Annie have done for CSS and wish them a peaceful retirement. From 1st September, we are streamlining our programme to make it more manageable for the new leadership team , and we invite you to join us on site or online, or both.Sundays: 1st and 3rd Sundays - Onsite at Open Doors Cafe, Warwick Row, Coventry 2.30 - 4.00. Volunteers who like to chat to our guests are especially welcome. 2nd Sunday- Online worship 4pm-5pm with a variety of leaders and styles of worship. 4th Sunday - Meditation 4pm, led by Joy from Norfolk, a member of CSS with a heart for meeting God through guided silence and music. Mondays: 1st and 3rd Mondays - 9pm zoom worship with a variety of leaders and topics. 2nd Monday - Open Mic Zoom 9pm, an opportunity for anyone in the group to share songs, poems, reflections, testimonies, discussions. 4th Monday 9pm Zoom - Night Prayer led by Kate from Lincolnshire. Thursdays 9pm Facebook Live, usually led by Deacon Sue Fry, includes prayer, songs, Bible readings, thoughts. If you would like to know more, please contact Deacon Sue Fry or Rev. Ian Coates.Message from Paula, Parish Nurse at Woodside: We would like to welcome everyone to our knitting and games afternoon on the 3rd Tuesday of the month 1.30pm -3pm. People can bring their own knitting or craft project or join with ours and the same with the games. We are currently working on a nativity set and knitted "paper" chains. Please contact Paula if you have any questions.Paula McClenaghanParish NurseWoodside Methodist ChurchTel 07869715659.Old Arley Poem: Please see here a poem about Old Arley that has been sent into the circuit by Jacey Cunningham.Fillongley (St Marys and All Saints Church) Please see here a poster with more information.Come and explore the beautiful parish church in Fillongley, with its Medieval origins, during the Heritage Open Days weekend 14th and 15th September 2024. Families and pets welcome. Saturday 14 September : 10.30 to 16.30, Sunday 15 September : 10.30 to 16.30 (church service 10.30-11.30am, open to all visitors)Central Hall - Fusion: On Saturday 28th September 2024, from 2.30pm – 4pm at Central Hall (located next to The Wave Waterpark) is launching an exciting new youth programme called Fusion for young people aged 11-17. Supervised by safeguarding trained and DBS checked leaders, Fusion Focuses on a wide variety of different topics putting young people’s ideas first partnering with adult leaders, members of the community catering to young people’s interests. This will involve a wide variety of different activities based on young people’s interests from bible studies to cooking sessions and more! Please see here for contact information and social media links. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact with myself., Ben Rose Engagement Coordinator and Fusion Team Leader, The Methodist Church at Coventry Central HallSouth Warwickshire Methodist Circuit: We have a vacancy for an Assistant Operations Manager (Property) Part time – 25 Hours per week (Mon to Fri) Are you looking for new challenge? We are advertising for this exciting and varied role which is based within the South Warwickshire Circuit at the office in Warwick, but covers 12 churches and property all across the circuit. This is a role where you will: Meet people, Carry out marketing - of church properties for lettings and support local lettings secretaries; Be lettings officer for properties fully managed by the Circuit; Support churches with the management of their planned maintenance; Be able use your initiative and IT skills doing planning and project work relating to properties and lettings. The successful candidate will ideally start on or around 1 October 2024. For more information and to apply for the role please follow this link or contact Unitemps on 02476 528 118 or email and quote reference 1084691. Stratford upon Avon – please see document here: We have a job vacancy for a Church Centre Co-ordinator, Stratford upon Avon Methodist Church - 16 hours per week. For full details please see here.Information received from District Office:Restore training courses: We are currently recruiting new volunteers. See here. These volunteers would be matched to a refugee to offer support, English practice and friendship. This course is necessary for all volunteers, but if you attend the course, you do not need to volunteer if you decide it is not for you. We have many people joining the course just for more information, and we are more than happy for people to attend our course even if they do not intend to volunteer. Participants can sign up using the webpage located here- is a quick video which includes a summary of our work which you may also find helpful to share- you would like more information or to arrange a speaker from Restore to explain more about our work, please contact me using my email jasmine@restore-uk.orgReflect Spirituality and Retreats – see flyer here:Open Day Conference, Coventry Central Hall, Warwick Lane, Coventry CV1 2HA. Saturday 2nd November 2024 10 for 10.30am to 3.30pm. Keynote Speaker: Rev Helen Cameron, President of the Methodist Conference 2024-2025. All are welcome. There is no charge for the day, but donations to cover costs will be appreciated. Please bring your own packed lunch.To book your free place please follow this link: next circuit Great Green Gathering... Please make sure all your eco contacts know! See here.Topic: Great Green GatheringTime: Sep 28, 2024 04:00 PM LondonJoin Zoom Meeting ID: 943 9475 9226Passcode: 111127Advanced Safeguarding TrainingThe following Advanced courses have been arranged in other Circuits which you may be able to attend. Applications to attend any of these should be made to Stephanie, <>5th October - Vale of StourThe Vine at HomePlease click on this link to view the Vine at Home on the Circuit website. This resource is being provided by Twelvebaskets and is provided as a resource for home worship.
From Our Parish Nurse
MESSAGES FROM OUR PARISH NURSE:My name is Paula McClenaghan and I am the Parish Nurse based at Woodside Avenue Methodist Church.I am working out of Woodside for two days per week (between Tuesdays and Thursdays) and will have some drop-in sessions and also time set aside for home visits. So do drop in to see me to discuss your health and wellbeing, or that of someone you feel would benefit from a home visit. Or email me at :
PARISH NURSE NEWS:Hello All,A reminder of forthcoming events ……KnittingandGamesisthisTuesday(17th)from1.30pmuntil3.00pm.Allarewelcometo chat,bringyourowncraftproject,joinours,playthegameswesupplyorbringyourown. We have puzzles and a puzzle role so we could have an ongoing puzzle.BabyMassagepreparationisstillongoinginthebackground,withplansinplaceforthe first one to be on Wednesday 2nd October.IwillbeawayattheyearlyParishNursingSymposium23-25thSeptember.Thisisagreat opportunitytonetwork,findoutwhatotherservicesaredoing,achancetolearnand reflect.Itisgreattospendtimewithalotofnurses,allwithastrongfaithandshared vision.November16thisourHealthFayreandmostrecentconfirmedstallswillbeGodiva Voluntary Medical Responders and Mind I notice the food bank donations have been dwindling. Could we all try and think of just picking up a little something when we do our own shop, if we can. A tin of beans can be as little as 27p in some shops and pasta 41p. Things however may be tight and please do not feel at all pressurised.On this note, If the scrapping of the winter fuel allowance, affects your ability to keep warm, please contact the citizens advice bureau or Age Uk or you can have a chat in confidence with me. If you only get a state pension and no workplace pension, you may be eligible for other benefits eg pension credit. If you get pension credit, you are eligible for the winter fuel payment. If you live alone, you could be eligible for a council tax reduction. It is Awareness month for many different Health conditions in September. Two that really jump out as affecting our community are World Alzheimer’s Month and Pain Awareness Month. Many struggle to control pain, affecting their ability to participate in activities they would like to and socialise as they wish to. Please do phone others you haven’t seen for a while. Generally, people will try and hide their pain, and we will never really know the extent of their suffering. Please pray for all those whose lives have been affected by Alzheimer’s and those who suffer with pain. On a final note, there is a pastoral meeting coming up . Could anyone take on committing to keeping in contact with a small group of our church family ? If you could commit to doing this for just 2 people /couples it would be of great help. If you can’t, then please pray for others to come forward. I have found the pastoral team to be of great help to my role and they will always let me know if someone needs a bit more. However, there are not enough of them at the moment, which makes this role more difficult.Kind RegardsPaula McClenaghanParish NurseWoodside Methodist Church Tel 07869715659(Please note I only work Tuesdays and either Wednesday or Thursday with this service. It may be a week before I get back to you. If you have an urgent health issue please see your GP or call 111 or if severe eg chest pain call 999)