There is a prayer chain operating within the Church community through which several people offer prayer for those who need them, both at home and overseas. Please contact our minister Rev Doreen Koffie-Williams if you would like to have prayer offered for anyone or anything. If you would like to pray now, the Methodist Church website offers a topical daily prayer with associated bible readings.
Family Occasions
BaptismsWe are pleased to be involved in those special times of life like the birth of a baby, a marriage, even the passing of loved ones.The minister is very happy to talk to new parents about baptising their baby. This usually takes place as part of morning service (10.30am) and then the family can stay and enjoy a cup of coffee after the service.
WeddingsThe church makes a light, attractive and comfortable setting for a wedding. Check us out as a convenient local venue with easy access to venues for the reception.
Funerals and Memorial ServicesGive your loved ones a Christian funeral in a relaxed and peaceful setting. You can sing their favourite hymns and songs before going on to the crematorium or cemetery.
Our Sunday weekly services start at 10.30 am and last for about an hour. Sometimes they are led by our Minister, Rev Doreen Koffie-Williams, and on other occasions we have visiting preachers from Coventry and Nuneaton, and sometimes from further afield.You would be made very welcome at any Sunday service.If you would like to see the worship plan for the next few weeks, please touch orclick on this button:
As a Christian community we are committed to sharing God's love in the Woodside area and beyond. Worshipping together each Sunday lies at the heart of all that we do. We see it as a privilege to offer praise and thanks to God through Jesus Christ.We see it as our responsibility to love and care for each other, especially as we go through difficult times. We see this care as going beyond the church family and into wider areas.We offer ourselves in service to others in many ways, locally and further afield and not least byoffering our premises as a community resource, for the many and varied activities that take place here.
WeworshipeverySundaythroughouttheyear.Inaddition,therearespecialservicesatChristmas, Easter and on other occasions. Sometimesourworshipisledbyourownoranotherordainedminister-sometimesitisledbyaLocal Preacher or Worship Leader from the Coventry area.The worship plan for Woodside until the end of November is as follows: 6October10.30amRev Richard Wilde13October10.30amCharlene Mukorombindo20October10.30amRev Doreen Koffie-WilliamsHarvest Festival27 October10.30amRev Kathryn Darby 3November10.30amRev Stuart Jennings10November10.30amJo Hibbard17 November10.30amRev Doreen Koffie-WilliamsHoly Communion24November10.30amAlison Gee
Community Groups
A number of Community Groups use our premises. TwoofthemainGroupswhousethepremisesareThePre-SchoolPlaygroupandtheElite Dance Academy:
Pre-SchoolPlaygroupThisgivesthechildrentheopportunitytointeractwithotherchildren ofasimilarageaswellasgivingparentsandcarersthechancetosocialisewithothersinthe sameposition. Weprovidechildrenwiththeopportunitytoenjoymessyplay,singingand othernewexperiences.Wehavefullytrainedandexperiencedstaffwhohavecaredfor childrenwithDown’sSyndrome,childrenwithmoderatetoseverelearningdifficulties, CerebralPalsy,AutismandAspergersSyndrome,andhaveundertakentraininginallofthese areas.StaffaretrainedinMakaton,BritishSignLanguageandtheuseofEpipens.Wecater forchildrenfrom2years6monthsto4years11months.PlaygroupmeetsonMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.00am – 3.00pm and on Thursday 9.00am – 1.00pm.
TheEliteDanceAcademyprovidesclassesintap,ballet,Irish,Street,MusicalTheatre, Acrobatics,Boysonly,adultlessons,Zumbaandmore! WemeetonSaturdaysfrom9.30am– 4.30pm. Finde them on Facebook here.
How to find us
WearelocatedinWoodsideAvenueSouth,justofftheA45KenpasHighway.IfyouaretravellingalongtheA45fromthe FinhamroundaboutinthedirectionofBirmingham,it’seasy.Takethelastleft-handturningatWoodsideAvenuebefore the Kenilworth Road. Look for the signpost. ComingtheotherwayfromtheBirminghamdirectionisabittrickier.YouneedtoturnleftontheKenilworthRoad towardsCoventry,firstrightdownCoatofArmsBridgeRoadandtakethesecondexitfromtheminiroundaboutto Wainbody Avenue, go to the lights and turn right onto the Highway. We are then first on the left, as above.
This popular mid-week group meets every other Tuesday afternoon at 2.00pm at Woodside Church. We finish with refreshing cup of tea and biscuit (and lots of chat!)Many thanks to Ray Williscroft last Tuesday, when he stepped in at the last minute because our speaker was unable to join us - Ray gave us a thoughtful and interesting talk.We are looking forward to our next meeting on Tuesday, 8th October, at 2pm, when we will be entertained again by Margaret Oliver with her keyboard. Margaret and her friend, Karen, have been many times before and we know that we will be listening to, and joining in with, a variety of songs and music. Followed, of course, by a refreshing cup of tea (and biscuits). Our friends at Earlsdon are very welcome to join us. Date for Diary:On Tuesday, 26th November, we will be welcoming the children's choir from Stivichall Primary School again. This has become a regular visit twice a year and we are always impressed by the high standard of their singing. Make a note of the date and come and enjoy a lovely start to the Christmas season - we have been promised a variety of songs, including some Christmas ones.
Circuit News and Activities
News for OctoberPlease send any news or events happening in your church to the Circuit Office details: Rev Doreen Koffie-Williams is no longer using the email address including 'zamani' Please make sure that you delete that address and for all emails with Rev Doreen use" If you are on Facebook, please make friends with the Super! "Jill Marsh Methodist" usually finds me and it will help us to begin some social media work across the circuit. News from around the CircuitPlaces of Peace Rev Jill Marsh invites all the circuit's churches to think and pray about what it would mean for your church to become a 'Place of Peace'. I'd like us to develop a logo pointing out that our churches are places of peace but if we write 'Place of Peace' on the outside of our buildings, what would we be offering? What would it mean for our life and witness? You might like to watch this very short video to reflect more's not really for sharing outside the churches but you're welcome to share it with others to help your conversations. Do get in touch about this, it is so important in these times: Churches: Please see here an invitation from Rev Jill Marsh to pray about multi-site churches.Black History Month: Here is a prayer to begin BHM 2024. Please use and share... a video of that prayer let us know what your church has been doing to celebrate.Circuit Meeting News1. We have decided to enter the 'stationing process' (which decides which ministers will serve in which circuits) and are looking for a full-time replacement for Rev Stephen Willey, as he leaves Central Hall after Easter. Please keep Stephen and Kathryn, and the process for finding our next circuit minister, in your prayers.2. All churches are invited to consider the model of Multi-Site Churches. The invitation to pray about this is attached in case your church may be interested in how it works. Please be in touch with the office if you would like to know more.Arley Methodist Church Fun Day took place on 13th July 2024We had a lovely day. There were about 50 visitors who enjoyed the activities. The colouring table was popular and one of our member's granddaughter manned it ( she occasionally attends on a Sunday). Members engaged and chatted to the guests - some were regular visitors, others new to the village and others who come to join in with our events throughout the year. Several people took a holding cross, and we have left them out in the foyer for people to take. No one asked for prayer this time. However, moving forward, I think we will start our events off with a prayer, so that people realise that God has a hand in this. Since the event, The Hub has continued to attract new people. We have a 12-week ICT drop-in session and someone who works for MIND also drops in when his schedule allows - just to talk in general to people and offer support if needed. For our next event, a quiz night with fish and chips, people from the community are already reserving tickets before we have advertised! All in all, a positive experience again and re-affirmed our presence in the village.Coventry Central Hall - A Concert for Climate Change Saturday, 5th October 2024, at 1:00 PMIt would be great if the circuit could turn out to support this and show our commitment to combatting climate change and being an eco circuit. (The event is not only open to church members).A Concert for Climate Change (Featuring, The City Of Culture Orchestra). This inspiring afternoon will feature the City of Culture Orchestra, bringing together music and environmental activism. Attendees will also hear from climate change experts, activists, and community leaders. It will be a wonderful opportunity for our church members to meet others in the community who share a passion for caring for our planet. We kindly ask for your help in spreading the word among church members and their contacts. The concert is free, and we will be accepting donations to support sustainable water projects through our charity.The event will take place on Saturday, 5th October 2024, at 1:00 PM, and will be honoured by the presence of the Lord Mayor of Coventry. Please find more information here.Donations will be much appreciated - (donation by QR code or cash at event).Ade Johnson, Development Manager, Tel: 024 7622 3564 or 07879167075 news! Lois Talbot has agreed to be our circuit's Eco-Contact and can be contacted through the Circuit Office. So far we have contact details for Eco-Contacts from Balsall Common, Central Hall, Collycroft, Earlsdon and Nuneaton. When you have found somebody willing to be (at the least) the contact person for emails from your church please let Jane know at the office and she'll put you in touch with Lois. Our new circuit eco-policy can now be found on the circuit's website. The next Great Green Gathering will be on Sat. 25th Jan, 4 - 5 pm on Zoom. Link to follow later but please book the date.Information received from The Connexional Office and District OfficeEco Community - Rosie Bryant, the Connexional Learning and Development Officer“With the support of the Action for Hope; Justice Seeking Church; Evangelism & Growth; and the Climate Change Priority Collaboration Group, we are launching an Eco Community (Community of Practice). We hope this will offer the support and signposting needed to encourage individuals and churches to be more eco-friendly. It is a minefield out there; how do we know what’s greenwash and what’s really green? How can a church work towards net zero or eco church when money is tight? How can we worship alongside God’s blue and green world? How do we become a Justice Seeking Church for allthings, not just for humans? How bamboozling it can be! So, it would be great if you could share the news with your District and let interested parties know (church/circuit stewards, justice group leaders etc.…). We hope this will be a space where people can hear from guest speakers, and exchange ideas, resources, and enthusiasm. The dates of the first three Eco Community gatherings are 12 November, 10 February and 13 May, all at 7pm. The joining link is here.For more details, contact Siggy Parratt-Halbert Christian Resources Exhibition Next month, for the first time in our 40-year history, the Christian Resources Exhibition comes to your area. More than 150 church-facing organisations will be at the Marshall Arena, Milton Keynes (9-10 Oct 2024), displaying everything from clergy clothing to contactless donation apps, heating to seating, career opportunities to Christmas gifts. A full list of exhibitors can be viewed here. A series of more than 40 talks and presentations will offer you expert advice on fund raising, faith sharing, bereavement support, social media, church security – and much, much more.We would love you to join us! And with this in mind a FREE ticket is here.Please share this with your colleagues and congregation or let them have the code JB24 (at the bottom of the free ticket) to enter as the discount code in the online payment page. This also allows them a free ticket to the exhibition (£8 on the door). You can print the ticket, or use the code JB24, as many times as you like. And it’s valid for both days. The churches that benefit most from CRE, bring a team. We encourage you to do the same next month and look forward to seeing you in Milton Keynes.Tamworth & Lichfield Methodist Circuit Following the Closure for worship of Glascote Methodist Church the following items are available free of charge to any church who is willing to collect. (photos here 1) Electronic organ, 2) Radio microphone set - one lapel and one hand-held, along with chargers, antennae, and control box/amplifier, 3) CD Player, 4) Hearing Loop system. If anyone is interested, please do contact Gill Woolf Circuit Administrator. churchoffice.tamlich@gmail.comThe Vine at Home Please click on this link to view the Vine at Home on the Circuit website. This resource is being provided by Twelvebaskets and is provided as a resource for home worship.
From Our Parish Nurse
MESSAGES FROM OUR PARISH NURSE:My name is Paula McClenaghan and I am the Parish Nurse based at Woodside Avenue Methodist Church.I am working out of Woodside for two days per week (between Tuesdays and Thursdays) and will have some drop-in sessions and also time set aside for home visits. So do drop in to see me to discuss your health and wellbeing, or that of someone you feel would benefit from a home visit. Or email me at :
THIS WEEK’S PARISH NURSE NEWSTheNextKnittingandGamesis15thOctober,whynotcomeandmakepoppiesor Christmaschainsorcomeforacuppaorgameofscrabble.Wearethinkingofmaking Christmascardson19thNovember.Allwelcomeofcourseandifanyonehasanysupplies they won’t be needing, please leave in the vestry.Kind RegardsPaula McClenaghanParish NurseWoodside Methodist Church Tel 07869715659(Please note I only work Tuesdays and either Wednesday or Thursday with this service. It may be a week before I get back to you. If you have an urgent health issue please see your GP or call 111 or if severe eg chest pain call 999)