There is a prayer chain operating within the Church community through which several people offer prayer for those who need them, both at home and overseas. Please contact our minister Rev Doreen Koffie-Williams if you would like to have prayer offered for anyone or anything. If you would like to pray now, the Methodist Church website offers a topical daily prayer with associated bible readings.
Family Occasions
BaptismsWe are pleased to be involved in those special times of life like the birth of a baby, a marriage, even the passing of loved ones.The minister is very happy to talk to new parents about baptising their baby. This usually takes place as part of morning service (10.30am) and then the family can stay and enjoy a cup of coffee after the service.
WeddingsThe church makes a light, attractive and comfortable setting for a wedding. Check us out as a convenient local venue with easy access to venues for the reception.
Funerals and Memorial ServicesGive your loved ones a Christian funeral in a relaxed and peaceful setting. You can sing their favourite hymns and songs before going on to the crematorium or cemetery.
Our Sunday weekly services start at 10.30 am and last for about an hour. Sometimes they are led by our Minister, Rev Doreen Koffie-Williams, and on other occasions we have visiting preachers from Coventry and Nuneaton, and sometimes from further afield.You would be made very welcome at any Sunday service.If you would like to see the worship plan for the next few weeks, please touch orclick on this button:
As a Christian community we are committed to sharing God's love in the Woodside area and beyond. Worshipping together each Sunday lies at the heart of all that we do. We see it as a privilege to offer praise and thanks to God through Jesus Christ.We see it as our responsibility to love and care for each other, especially as we go through difficult times. We see this care as going beyond the church family and into wider areas.We offer ourselves in service to others in many ways, locally and further afield and not least byoffering our premises as a community resource, for the many and varied activities that take place here.
WeworshipeverySundaythroughouttheyear.Inaddition,therearespecialservicesatChristmas, Easter and on other occasions. Sometimesourworshipisledbyourownoranotherordainedminister-sometimesitisledbyaLocal Preacher or Worship Leader from the Coventry area.The worship plan for Woodside until the end of February 2025: 1 December10.30amRev Dr Stuart Jennings 8December10.30amDavid Kershaw15December10.30amRev Doreen Koffie-WilliamsHoly Communion22December 4.00pmCAROL SERVICE25December 10.00amCHRISTMAS MORNING SERVICE AT EARLSDON29December10.30amKaren Brooks 5January10.30amRev Graham Gee12January10.30amRev Clive Fowle19January10.30amRev Doreen Koffie-WilliamsHoly Communion26January10.30amRev Ian CoatesEco Service 2 February10.30amRev Dr Stuart Jennings 9February10.30amClive Marsh16February10.30amRev Doreen Koffie-WilliamsHoly Communion23February10.30amRev Kathryn Darby
Community Groups
A number of Community Groups use our premises. TwoofthemainGroupswhousethepremisesareThePre-SchoolPlaygroupandtheElite Dance Academy:
Pre-SchoolPlaygroupThisgivesthechildrentheopportunitytointeractwithotherchildren ofasimilarageaswellasgivingparentsandcarersthechancetosocialisewithothersinthe sameposition. Weprovidechildrenwiththeopportunitytoenjoymessyplay,singingand othernewexperiences.Wehavefullytrainedandexperiencedstaffwhohavecaredfor childrenwithDown’sSyndrome,childrenwithmoderatetoseverelearningdifficulties, CerebralPalsy,AutismandAspergersSyndrome,andhaveundertakentraininginallofthese areas.StaffaretrainedinMakaton,BritishSignLanguageandtheuseofEpipens.Wecater forchildrenfrom2years6monthsto4years11months.PlaygroupmeetsonMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.00am – 3.00pm and on Thursday 9.00am – 1.00pm.
TheEliteDanceAcademyprovidesclassesintap,ballet,Irish,Street,MusicalTheatre, Acrobatics,Boysonly,adultlessons,Zumbaandmore! WemeetonSaturdaysfrom9.30am– 4.30pm. Finde them on Facebook here.
How to find us
WearelocatedinWoodsideAvenueSouth,justofftheA45KenpasHighway.IfyouaretravellingalongtheA45fromthe FinhamroundaboutinthedirectionofBirmingham,it’seasy.Takethelastleft-handturningatWoodsideAvenuebefore the Kenilworth Road. Look for the signpost. ComingtheotherwayfromtheBirminghamdirectionisabittrickier.YouneedtoturnleftontheKenilworthRoad towardsCoventry,firstrightdownCoatofArmsBridgeRoadandtakethesecondexitfromtheminiroundaboutto Wainbody Avenue, go to the lights and turn right onto the Highway. We are then first on the left, as above.
Here is the Progamme until May 2025:Tuesday, 10th December, at 2pm - "Christmas Celebrations!" The children from our Playgroup will start our celebrations by entertaining us with songs from their Nativity Play - it will be lovely to hear the little ones singing! This will be followed by a Christmas Quiz, readings and singing our favourite carols. Finishing with mince pies and a cup of tea! Everyone welcome.Tuesday 14th January at 2pm - “Reflections” - Welcome to our third year of Fellowship! We will start with a review of the first two years (what did we like, what did we not like), receive reports from our Secretary and Treasurer, and discuss future ideas together. Then we will enjoy the music of Andre Rieu.Tuesday 28th January at 2pm - Rev Jill Marsh (our Superintendent Mnister) - will be returning to give another of her talks. Tuesday 11th February at 2pm - Rev Dr Stuart Jennings will give us a talk. Tuesday 25th February at 2pm - “Relax” - Sue Davies will be showing us some relaxation excercises that we can do without getting our of our chairs! Tuesday 11th March at 2pm - “Fasten your seatbelts” - Brian Cave will once again be entertaining us with the further adventures of a pilot. Tuesday 25th March at 2pm - Rev Graham and Alison Gee - will be giving a talk. Tuesday8thAprilat2pm-“SaintCatherine”-ChristineShortwillgiveashorttalkonthelifeofthis influential Italian saint. This will be followed by a bring and buy stall.Tuesday 25th April at 2pm - “Easter and Spring Reflections” - Do you have a favourite reading, story, poem, picture or piece of music about Easter and Spring? Bring it along to share with everyone. If you haven’t - don’t worry, just come along to listen and enjoy! Tuesday 13th May at 2pm -to be arranged.Tuesday 27th May at 2pm - “Our Pam” - Kath Wykes will be reading a selection of the funny and wonderful poems of Pam Ayres.
Circuit News and Activities
News for NovemberPlease send any news or events happening in your church to the Circuit Office from around the CircuitWelcome: We are delighted to welcome Mel Wheeler (a student deacon) and Louisa Taylor (a student presbyter) into the circuit for the next year. Mel will be working with Bedworth MC as her link church and Louisa at Central Hall as her link church. Please pray for Mel and Louisa as they progress through this year of training.Circuit Meeting: Please see here news from the Circuit Meeting that took place on 18th September 2024.Advent Services around the Circuit: For your information here is a list of Advent Services that are taking place around the Circuit. This gives you an opportunity to go along to different churches with your family and friends.Reflective Supervision and Ministerial Development Reviews: Congratulations, and thank you, to Lois Talbot who is now a trained and accredited supervisor with the Methodist Church, offering her training to other circuits. Please read her flyer here which tells you more about this work. Lois says "I embarked on the training programme for supervisors about a year ago and found it rewarding, interesting and energising". Ministers have both supervision and an annual Ministerial Development Review. Lay volunteer accompanists are now coming forward to help with these processes and ministers appreciate the support they are given in this way. If anybody would like to know more, please do ask Jill Marsh Thank you.Bedworth Methodist Church Craft and Church Fair: All are welcome to our Craft and Church Fair on Saturday 23rd November from 10am. Many varied stalls. Santa will be visiting between 10.45am and 12.15Collycroft Methodist Church Festive Wreath Making Workshop: Friday 29th November 2024, at Collycroft Methodist Church, Bedworth, CV12 8BW, 7pm – 9pm. Please see here for full details, including cost, & contact informationBalsall Common Wellbeing Course: “The Compassionate Mind” - Being kinder to yourself and others. Balsall Common Methodist Wellbeing Project is offering another guided self-help course for those of all faiths and none, free of charge and without obligation. Sessions will be held at The Jubilee, 227 Station Road, Balsall Common CV7 7FE at 3.00 pm on Thursdays, starting with a ‘taster’ session on 14th November, breaking after 12th December, resuming on 9th January and continuing to 6th February 2025. If you are not yet on our mailing list, register an interest in attending the taster session by emailing wellbeing1942@gmail.comInformation Received from the District Office Refresh: exploring lay vocation in the Methodist Church: Wed 29th Jan 10-2 Berkswich Methodist Church, Stafford ST17 0LH. Keynote Speaker: Trey Hall – Directory of Evangelism and Growth. Get your ticket here: The event is open to lay workers and other lay leaders in roles in the Methodist Church. Do come as a team if you can!Come join us at the Berkswich Methodist Church for a day of learning, networking, and fun at our lay leader conference! Whether you're a paid worker, or a volunteer you're welcome. It is an opportunity to connect with others and to hear more about what "God for All" means to you and your role. It is also a chance to reflect and learn more about your own vocational calling. As well as hearing from our Keynote Speaker - Trey Hall, Director of Evangelism and Growth. We will have a guest speaker from Care for the Family and there will be opportunity to speak with Jo Yair, Mission and Ministry Co-ordinator for the W&S District, Adam Sanders, Mission Enabler in the Birmingham District and Rosie Bryant from the Learning Network. Hannah Hawkeswood from Lichfield Methodist Church will be leading our sung worship. So there are plenty of opportunities to find out more about training and coaching available through the church. Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow and recharge with like-minded individuals. Register now to secure your spot!Amplify 2025 – 14th – 16th March: Tickets for Amplify 2025, our District youth weekend, are now on sale. The District has offered a huge subsidy on tickets making the cost £40 per young person and £20 per leader. Tickets are purchased through the online retailer Ticket Tailor, the link for which will be available on the Amplify page of the District website. Tickets are beginning to sell fast so if you need any support with organising this for your church please let us know. The Amplify website for this year's event is now live so please do take a look for some more information - Methodist Spirituality and Retreats: There will be Reflect quiet morning on 8th and 9thNovember 2024. Please see here for the programme for the morning. For booking details, please contact Lynne n 2tongues317@gmail.comThe Vine at Home: Please click on this link to view the Vine at Home on the Circuit website. This resource is being provided by Twelve baskets and is provided as a resource for home worship.
From Our Parish Nurse
My name is Paula McClenaghan and I am the Parish Nurse based at Woodside Avenue Methodist Church.I am working out of Woodside Church for two days per week (between Tuesdays and Thursdays) and will have some drop-in sessions and also time set aside for home visits. So do drop in to see me to discuss your health and wellbeing, or that of someone you feel would benefit from a home visit.: or email me at :
FIRST TUESDAYof the month at 1.30pm in the Memorial Park
Coffee and Winter Walk - meet at the Burnt Post pub for Coffee 1.30 and weather permitting on for a pleasant stroll round the park. Do just come for coffee if the walk would be too far, or too cold.
THIRD TUESDAY of the month, 1.30pm till 3.00pm at Woodside Church
Knitting and Board Games – bring your own craft project or join in with our knitting projects, play a board game or do a puzzle – all are welcome.
EVERY WEDNESDAY from 10 until 11.00am (booking essential*)
Baby Massage – 5 sessions for babies 4 weeks to 6 months. There are many health and developmental benefits.
EVERY WEDNESDAY from 11.00am till 12.00noon.
“Stay and Play” - babies to preschool welcome to attend with a parent or carer. Toys and tea and coffee and biscuits and a chance to meet others.
Regular Activities
This Week’s Messages
Tuesday3rdDecember:FestiveWalkinthePark!CoffeeattheBurntPostat1.30followedbyawalk.Allwelcome,evenifjustforacoffee.RubyandIwillbewearingour Christmasjumpers,sodojoininifyouhaveone!Ifyouarewalkingornot,maybethinkof bringing someone else that might enjoy a coffee and chat as well.Tuesday17thDecember,docometomakecards.Butifyouwouldratherplayagameor knit, that’s fine too.IamaroundTuesdayandWednesdaythisweekbutthefollowingweekIamonthelast2 daysofthebabymassagecourse.Iwillbein8-1onWednesday11th,but10-12isthe massageandbabygroupsotimeistight,sopleasedogetintouchandbookIfyouwould like a home visit or to come in for a chat.Haveyounoticedthedoorbell?Thereisnowadoorbelltotherightofthefrontdoor,andI will hear it easily when I am in the Vestry. Earlynotice-BeatTheJanuaryBlueswillbeonThursdays.Watchthisspaceorgetin touch, for more information.Paula McClenaghan Parish NurseTel 07869715659
Upcoming events Beat the January blues- once a week in January we will be open for chat, company, warm space, light lunch and activities . Watch this space or email for further information.